Taylor Swift Contemplating Legal Action Over Supposed Leaked photo

 Taylor Swift Contemplating Legal Action Over Supposed Leaked photo

Taylor Swift does not take personal attacks lightly (after all, she wrote a song and filmed a video  in response to a bad review), which is why her team sent a cease-and-desist letter to a gossip website because of a supposed topless photo of the 21-year-old country crossover superstar.
Over the weekend, Celebrity Jihad posted a photo of a curly-haired blonde girl lying across a bed, claiming that it was a leaked photo of Swift. Shortly thereafter, Celebrity Jihad received a letter from Swift’s legal team asking that the photo be taken down, insisting that it was not in fact Swift.

The picture remains up at Celebrity Jihad, despite the site’s acknowledgement of Swift’s protest. A formal lawsuit could be the next step.

Here’s the thing: The picture obviously isn’t Taylor Swift, so this whole thing should theoretically go away pretty quickly. Still, with a hacker already arrested for photos of the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Christina Aguilera, the message to young female stars remains steadfast: Nobody can steal your  photos if said pictures don’t exist. Though if they can’t, apparently, they’re happy to fake it.


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